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Current Events

Current Events




America: In Search of Leadership


In the aftermath of the presidential debate, many of us question, "Is this the best we’ve got?" The presidential debate has left our nation in emotional conflict, and we need leadership—the ability to make sound decisions, inspire people, and guide our nation.


The National Center defines emotional wellness as an awareness, understanding, and acceptance of our feelings and the ability to manage effectively through challenges and change. In this era of rapid technological advancement and AI integration, the Center is committed to promoting emotional wellness for individuals and diverse organizations.


Today, America is in a crisis. However, as the saying goes, crisis brings opportunity. It presents an open door for the right leader to step through and guide our nation toward a future where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued—a leader who understands that America's strength lies in its diversity and unity.


As we navigate these challenging times, remember that leadership is not about winning debates or elections. It’s about serving the people and making a difference in their lives. It’s about building a nation where everyone, regardless of background, feels they belong.


As we continue to watch this drama unfold, let us not lose hope. Let us believe in the possibility of a leader who can represent us all. A leader who can steer America toward unity, prosperity, and emotional wellness. Because that is the leader America is in search of.


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Our Presidential Candidates


An AI-Integrated Emotional Wellness Perspective



As the stage is set for the upcoming presidential election, a question echoes across America: “With the brilliant minds in our nation, why do we feel limited in our choices for leaders of the free world?” This collective sentiment, a blend of disappointment, confusion, and a yearning for change resonates with many Americans.


AI-Integrated Emotional Wellness (AIEW) tools, such as sentiment analysis algorithms, have been instrumental in gauging this public opinion. Data suggests that a significant portion of the population is often frustrated by the perceived lack of suitable candidates. This frustration stems from the dichotomy between the ideal and the real. We envision an ideal leader with integrity, intelligence, and vision. However, real-world candidates often fall short of this ideal, leading to widespread disappointment. Another contributing factor is the polarized nature of politics, which often leaves voters feeling cornered into choosing the “lesser of two evils.”


AIEW can play a critical role in mitigating this frustration by providing platforms, such as chatbots, for people to express and understand their emotions—promoting empathy and understanding and aiding in decision-making. AI tools can offer unbiased information about the candidates, helping individuals make informed decisions that resonate with their values and beliefs.


The frustration surrounding the presidential candidates is a complex emotional response to a multifaceted issue. While it can’t be resolved overnight, AIEW offers tools and perspectives that can help us navigate these emotional currents with empathy and understanding.


The National Center for Emotional Wellness





A Plea to the Media: Please, Turn Off the Spotlight


An AI-Integrated Emotional Wellness Perspective



Today, we find ourselves once again confronted with the face of an alleged killer, prominently displayed on front-page news and widely circulated on social media. Our hearts go out to those affected by the alleged perpetrator’s actions. Yet, it’s disheartening to see the media repeatedly casting the spotlight on the alleged offender.


In our technologically advanced society, various platforms such as internet news sites, online magazines, social media, streaming television, and radio serve as an indelible “stage” for dangerous and disturbed individuals to perform.


I respectfully urge the media to acknowledge the potential harm caused by focusing excessive attention on the faces of alleged perpetrators and their actions. Such coverage can contribute to an increase in violent acts and threats.


The time has come to shift our focus toward the victims and their families, mental health issues, and the broader topic of violence. We must turn off the spotlight on malevolent behavior, refraining from inadvertently glorifying or reinforcing such conduct.


To those whose lives have been profoundly affected by this alleged serial killer, you are in our thoughts. Let us remember them, not the ones who caused their suffering.



Mark D. Lerner, Ph.D.

Chairman, The National Center for Emotional Wellness



The National Center for Emotional Wellness




The National Center for Emotional Wellness, Inc. provides practical information, presentations, consultation, and support for individuals and diverse organizations worldwide. It is important to note that the suggestions provided on this website should not be considered medical, psychological, or legal advice. The information presented is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Consulting with your healthcare provider is always recommended for health-related questions or concerns. If you have legal questions, speak with an attorney. They will be able to provide personalized advice and guidance based on your individual circumstances and needs.


© 2024 by The National Center for Emotional Wellness, Inc.

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